Friday, September 23, 2005
Remember me?
I been here 3 years and I only had a parcel sent to me. My mom sent it in my first year and it consisted of clothes and a lamp. Yes, a lamp. Trust my mother to send me the most off-beat things.
I got so many postcards as well! But I think the parcel my mamajaja sent me was the best of all. But my mother, thanks, for the wonderful spa machine. I actually slept for 17 hours straight today. Was in bed bout 2am, woke up about 7pm. It was dark. I feel a bit piggish actually.
But my mama jaja! The woman of the hour! I have carebears and spongebob sqaurepants pjs!
*evil manical laughter*
Not to mention the lime bag, flower brooch and care bear stickers! the face mask and stuff!! I was in heaven for a while. It's always nice to recieve mail.
But if you don't send, you don't recieve. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing your name on an envelope with familiar handwriting. Or a distant postmark annoucing how far it has travelled. Seeing anything in French makes my heart stop a little, Mamajaja is in Canada after all. But now, she's in Japan and I await her new address so that I can send her Nutella.
Apparently, where she is (somewhere near Osaka and Kobe), she cannot find nutella. And my mamajaja lives off the stuff. I shall send an emergency food package soon, just give me an addy! I am so jealous of the cakes and Japanese sweets she is getting.
Plus all the Studio Ghibli stamp sets. By the way, the J-List site is fantastic. I simply drool and crave and desire almost all that is on here. Peter Payne (the guy who set it up) has an interesting blog. A bit self promoting but interesting none the less.
I want! I want! *whine* I'm in a whiny mood today. Typical Singaporean? *LOL*
Its cool and I have a new pink sweater.
But I want more people to remember I'm here.
I have to self promote. I remmeber writing so many letters my first year here, and got nothing back. Except from a couple of people.
I have mail and therefore happy. Maybe I should head back to bed.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Look at me!
Some people actually take this thing too seriously.
I have been threatened with legal action.
Seriously. From the ass I mentioned in my previous post.
But, I have my supporters. The people with common sense. He sent a sms to my Ta saying:
"i might take up some action against fern for publishing my personal mail
online without consent"
Go ahead. Trying to scare me that way doesn't work. Using scare tactics is pathetic and sad. I'm not your typical Singaporean, shrinking away, just because you threaten me with legal action. You really amuse and sicken me, yet I pity you.
You are just crying out for attention, and trying to drive a wedge between me and Ta, ain't gonna work.
At least I have my supporters. People who process common sense.
Like Eugene (the fucking dweller), my knight in shining armour, simply beams with sense and brains.
I need to say nothing more. Eugene has said it for me. Better than I could have for myself.
I'm still gonna write on this blog. Empty threats with no basis what-so-ever. Sorry that I have to be the one to tell ya dude, but I have more balls than you.
Have a nice life.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Hentai! Yoai! YEAH!
Harry Potter and Snape???
Yuck. I dunno. I think it looks a bit wrong. He's kinda under-aged. And Snape is kinda old and ugly. ANd I really don't want to think Harry Potter is gay. He acted very 'gay' in the last one. I know Hongie would disagree on that one. Harry Potter not being gay.
I like watching hentai. I admit it.
But, yoai. *smile*
I know its werid, but there is something so sweet about yoai. Two men, so in love. The kissing is sweet, the sex looks so romantic.
I'm off topic here. But, *sigh*
I want a man to love me as much as some gay men. Completely devoted. Completely smitten and in love with the other.
Must be the cold.
Me slammed!
At this point, I will still be polite to you. You have the right to write
whatever you want and I can't stop you. But do have a bit of respect for others
privacy. I do not remember telling you how dumb you are. But I DO remember
telling you what a waste it was to do your course when you have a gift in
writing which could be put to better use. Everyone in this fucking place has a
gift of some sort. I am no smarter than you when it comes to baking some cake or
something else. You do not know me well enough to pass judgements. I can't be
like you. I might be from the stone-age because I seen people died in front
tragically in front of me on several occasions and I know how fucking fragile
life is. Whether I love her or not is seriously none of your concern as much as
I would not question over your relationship with Andrew or other men.
Irregardless of my problems with Rita, I never pestered her as much as what you
would like to think. I do not need to address my concerns to you since you have
such selective memory. For your record I can reassure you I am not a fucker. I
don't dwell like Eugene or someone else. I just move away swiftly. On two
occasions, she took the initative to talk to me again. NOT ME! Now, I am at the
stage of moving away again in my own pace. The only thing I do for her to check
out good R&B from time to time because if there is one thing we share, it is
soul R&B.No one is correct or wrong all the time. The determination of
rightness tends to be sway by personal agenda and desires. I think I was right
with her, she thinks she was correct about how she dealt with me and you think
you are right in getting yourself involved unnecessarily. So who is right
afterall. Do not comment only equipped with such one-sided informations.
Normally I don't really care about others opinion. Why I did not have someone to
talk to for 72 hours is because I did not want to bother anyone with my
problems. I did not want to repeat the whole fucking story again to someone and
it takes time.. Half the time, my mobile was off except to talk to her.Shall we
leave this judgement passing to higher beings? We are mere mortal and stop
playing Singaporean (whine, complain, gossip a lot). You can choose to delete me
from your friendster list for all I care. Cheers.
I suddenly remember that post I took was from a PUBLIC blog. Gee how silly of me. Poor Eugene. The dweller. At least he doesnt scare her. I don't know. This message I got is kinda freaky. Plus I did try to delete. I really did. If you are reading this, you can try to. Stupid friendster. hahah And plus, does he even know whether I bake or not? And your mobile on just for her?
Judgement, hmmm, judging. We are both to blame. No matter how, we do. Cos, we are lesser beings. But I mean it. For a person who doesn't care, he has written a lot of messages trying to counter what I said( personally, I doubt I would have bothered) and another blog entry about it. And I'm sure he will read this. Selective memory? hahah False flattery will get u nowhere.
Oh well, you can't please everyone. And I'm glad I'm not. I might lose Ta as a friend as well for this public outburst but as long as everyone is SAFE, I'm willing to take the risk.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Ways to be disturbed... Meet some people I know...
Money problems??? (Yes, Myst, this one is for you)
Need a car? Pay off a home loan? Feed the kids? Or just plain broke?
We have the solution to your problem!!!
Starring, the way to fuliful your dreams to find love, happiness and GREAT WEALTH!
Marry an Ugly Millonaire. And to be more disturbed, look at 'sheep'!
I think its a hoax. No one is THAT fugly. But I know its one. Its too comical to be true, or is it? Anything can happen in America.
Another procastination post. I have an assignment due sorta soon. And no motivation to do it. Instead, I choose to look at a bear pooping out prime numbers. It was up to 6449 when I got bored. Again.
And of course of the fact THAT I hate myself for not being able to work. Where do I go? The Insult-O-Matic. Fun. By the way, St. Isidore of Seville is the patron saint of the Internet. I think, or so i heard.
People also do the most useless things. Like iPod Vs the cassette tape? Who will reign supreme?At least the cassette is cheaper and water proof. Plus, it doesnt hurt as much as when you lose/break/destroy for fun one.
Yes, I know I'm just dribbling one.
Might write later if I feel less disturbed. Or if I feel like I have something important to say.
And god, John* (name changed to protect the innocent), you are an utter ass. And if you do anything to hurt my concubine, I will hunt you down. Self pity is a very unattractive trait. Plus, so is insulting others without knowing anything. You are a pompus person who is too full of himself. And if you have no one to talk to for 72 hours, think, was it a personal choice? Or maybe, you should ask, why is it that no one wants to talk to me? Maybe, maybe, the problem isn't the world, it's you. Stop trying to get pity from me or anyone.
And never come near me again. I will not associate myself with such people. I let a person to at least have some respect for themselves and not lick their 'wounds' in public, begging for attention and sympathy.
And this is it. The infamous blog entry I was talking about. And yes, I can post up anything I want. Read it, and I wonder who he is talking about???
"I must one of few rare people walking in this place. I am not modest at all with my intelligence and I don't need any reassurance from anyone about it. Yet in my emotional world, I am witless. I constantly make silly mistakes. I must confess my loneliness is gaining the upperhand and I seems to be rallying for a lost cause. I am so imbalance. My distribution of IQ and EQ is so disproportional. When I was 16, some people did an extensive IQ test on me and found that I was about 135, which puts me in the 2 percentile in the world population, unless smoking reduces my preception drastically. Recently when I did my EQ test, it came to be about 65. The norm for EQ is between 90-110. I am too extreme and impatient. There are only yes and no to me all the time and now I am choking on it. I often begged for redemption but my actions fall short, bringing along with it short intense purgatory. In short, I am f**ked........
Asked me a question about science, history or general issues, there might be a chance I could address. Asked me about who loves who on tele, silences will be what that follows next. Unfortunately, at this junction of my life, it is more important to address the latter than the former. I am trying really really hard but.....Honestly, I do not know what is going on in girl's mind. It is more confusing than quantum mechanics (and I really find quantum difficult to grasp).
Someone broke my heart twice in 5 weeks and it is all my own doing. When I told that someone that I was leaving for good, she doesn't really give a shit. I realised I was nothing, absolutely nothing to her. However, she is not to blame, for I was. All I really wanted was to be able to talk, to lookout for, to laugh, to cry, to smile. I can spend all my time left with her, even without any physical intimacy whatsoever. Is this love?
There is a little story I would like to share for all you who are spending time reading my stupid blog. I once spend 3 years taking the same MRT route (mass rapid transport in singapore i.e subway) with this girl and I had never spoken a single word to her. The problem is that I lived in the north east (hougang) while she lives in the east(Simei). Back then, I would take the train with her all the way to her station and take a return route back to cityhall before catching a bus back. Did that for about 3 years during schooldays. At the end of my studies, on the last trip, I sat beside her and for the first time I spoke. "I am finishing soon and I am going to the army". There was a such a silence during our trip and before she alighted, she turned and say,"You are so mean, for after so many years, I still do not know your name". Before I could tell her my name, she left. When I first returned home from military training, I could still recalled that I was down with a high fever on that Saturday. Still I sat by the train station all day alone waiting just to catch a glimpse of her. Unfortunately I never see her again.......
We went to her friends' place for a get-together together. Between 9pm to 3am in the morning, she was having so much fun and it felt so good to hang around with her. My gut felt terrible right from the start but I really felt so happy just to be with her. Every other moment, I felt so much pain but her smiles and laughters were so real to me. A month ago it would be unimaginable. I did not want to stop the party both for me and her. After the party, I drove her home and walked her to her doorstop. At that point, I knew my gut was massively hemorrhaging because I could taste the scent of blood in my lips. I knew that it could be life-threatening because it has been ongoing for 6 hours or so. The funnest thing was that at that point of time, what that goes through my mind was that I would really need a hug from this girl, even just to say goodnite. I saw her to her door and left hastly before it was bleeding through my nose and I don't want her to see it. Went to ER next and came down with a fever the following day. 48 hour window was what I have left. Fever came and go over the next couple of days and during that time so many things I shouldn't say, I did. Now I lost her and during those days when I was sick, she never visit me. Her reasoning was that she does not want to give me any false hopes. I really don't need any hopes, I just needed comforting. That was all I wanted. Even if one has no feelings for someone, one would still visit. At least I would.
This world can be so lonely........
Hello sadness........................."
And there it is. A bit hard to read, but hey, I didnt write it. I'm jus so angry that anyone can treat one of my friend's so badly. She has a mind, a brain and knows when a man is still in the stone-age.
Good luck with stuff. God knows you need it. And, as I mentioned above, ANYTHING happens to my Ta, I know who to look for.
PS He has known Ta for 6months. Love? *snort* If you meet him, you will know what I mean. Doesn't let anyone get a word in and HE is right. Told me I was dumb to be doing my course. Doesn't even realise what my degree is about. And if you are in hospital for A DAY for observation...
THis is a bitch. But I am sick of this. It's all out.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Things in life that make you i.e. ME go EEEKKK!
- Walking by a bathroom, mainly a male’s room, and some guy walks out and you see that they are zipping their pants as they step through the door. Really, how long does it take to zip your damn fly before you open the door?
- The same men (and possibly women) not washing their hands after using the bathroom. Seriously, that doesn't take long either! And since you are there, there's soap and paper towels for a reason.
- Women who after using the toilet, proceed to the sink area and fix their hair. No washing of hands. Just touching of head and face. Then they walk out. EEEK!
- Being called an 'it'. People seem to be confused to what my gender is. So, 'it' I shall be.
- When you order coffee, and they fuck up and give you decaf. In the morning. Before 9am. Before your first cig. Before your eyes have cleared up. While your brain is still in auto pilot.
- Buying the top you been eyeing for the last 2 months. Next day, its 50% off. At the same shop.
- Spiders in Australia. Saw a Redback in the backyard. EEK was not the only word I used.
- Finding the last cigerette in a box. Priceless. Smoking it and realising its at least 3 months old, EEEEKKK!!! *spit spit*
- Half way through an essay, just as you are about to click on the 'save' button, it hangs. Or the electricity gets cut.
- Rent increases. And paying 8 cents per megabyte download for internet usage. Stupid Flinders Housing.
- People writing about YOU on their blogs.
- Getting the mobile phone bill.
- Getting any form of bills.
- The moment before you look at your assignment grade.
- EEEEKKKK! You saw your grade.
- Walking in on your parents doing the dirty. Making the beast with two backs. You know what I mean.
- Your mother telling you how your father needs sex at least thrice a week.
- Realising you only have $10 left in your bank account and its 3 days til payday.
- The current petrol prices everywhere. I remember when gas was 85cents a litre. Now its $1.38. Now that's what you call inflation.
- When planes land, and they start shaking from side to side. Oh yes, OH FUCKING OATH, that's an EEKK moment.
- When the alarm goes off and in your dream, you are just about to 1.find out what's behind the secret door, 2. announce the murderer of Mrs Tacket, 3. rip off Travis Fimmel's shirt and have your dirty way with him. All good, all bad.
- And lastly, especially for me, MY BIRTHDAY! EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! Getting old physically, mentally still 5.
I'm playing hostress to Milla's parents. They come from Norway tomorrow. 935am in the morning! I hate mornings with a passion.
But I am the good husband. If people think I'm her domestic partner, I better act the part.
*cough, scratch balls*
Monday, September 12, 2005
Clowns and Melbourne and my secret or not-so-secret desires...
"Yesterday, London and Madrid, tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne."Said, simply, with such great conviction, he truely knows what he feels he has to do. He might be an American Muslim, but he is still a person with beliefs. A friend says it's probably Melbourne in Florida that they want to hit. I doubt it. But enough of this. All they want to do is create fear. Fear cripples you. Plus if i do get blown to bits, it saves on cremation costs. Dying is an expensive business.
Clowns. The scariest things on earth.There can be none scarier.
Possibly, in my last life, I was brutally killed by one. There was nothing left of my poor body except for bits of skin. It killed me as one would defeather a chicken.
Or perhaps they just freak me out badly.
There are several reasons why I find clowns bad. These are them:
- Nothing, NOTHING on earth is that happy. There is something very eerie about anyone who is so happy. It's un-natural.
- They dress so brightly and cheerfully. Although I love stage and drama and even don't mind mime, its so, I can't explain it. Its very strange and out of this world.
- They make fun of you. It's gentle teasing yes, but there's something sinister lurking beneath those depths.
- EVIL, EVIL, EVIL clowns. You never know what they are gonna pull out of their pocket next.
- I have never liked clowns. Ask my mother. Don't trust them.
Milla says the reasons why I dislike them are easy to understand, but how it came about is another story. I did a quick search on the web, and the first picture was the nicest looking clown I could find. The last one, is freaky. That's how they all look like to me. I expect them to jump on me and start attempting to stuff their rubber chicken down my throat and squirt water up my nose and sodomize me with their shoes. I may be too dramatic, but I believe me. These are NOT my secret desires.
Enough on clowns, I need some sleep tonight.
Secret desires, what do I want?
I crave friendship. It's a funny thing, cos I have many friends. But, I want more here, in Adelaide. I find Adelaideans hard to understand. I desire to know what aura I have around me that repels people away. Males especially. It's hard going out sometimes with the most gorgeous girl and you find yourself not feeling very attractive. You keep your head up, but you still don't quite succeed.
I also want want want a black iPod Nano. My secret public (oxymoron!) desire. I might be getting it for Christmas. I want! I want! I want!
Some people have heads so big, I wonder how they get through doors!
"I am not modest at all with my intelligence and I don't
need any reassurance from anyone about it. "
"When I was 16, some people did an extensive IQ test on me
and found that I was about 135, which puts me in the 2 percentile in the world
“I begin to think,” said Estella, in a musing way, after another moment of
calm wonder, “that I almost understand how this comes about. If you had brought
up your adopted daughter wholly in the dark confinement of these rooms, and had
never let her know that there was such a thing as the daylight by which she has
never once seen your face—if you had done that, and then, for a purpose, had
wanted her to understand the daylight and know all about it, you would have been
disappointed and angry? . . .” “Or,” said Estella, “—which is a nearer case—if
you had taught her, from the dawn of her intelligence, with your utmost energy
and might, that there was such a thing as daylight, but that it was made to be
her enemy and destroyer, and she must always turn against it, for it had
blighted you and would else blight her—if you had done this, and then, for a
purpose, had wanted her to take naturally to the daylight and she could not do
it, you would have been disappointed and angry? . . .”“So,” said Estella, “I
must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not
mine, but the two together make me.”
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Avocado... Avocado! Of avocados, R.B.T, footy and my favourite things!

For me, it comes in my dogs, avocados, muah chee, cockles, chocolate, the colour purple, sparkly shiny things, Louis Vuitton bags, and doing things for the first time. The first time for anything is always a life altering experience.
But, what is a R.B.T? I had my first EVER one today. Its random breath testing. I guess cos it was after the footy game.
Port Adelaide Vs Adelaide Crows
You know the streets are just gonna be flooded in blood. Not too many fights. But Port was left lying in the dust and then some. Crows won by 86 points. Australian footy is a game quite far from my heart, so therefore this sudden interest is only due cos it was a LOCAL match which everyone was watching.
But as usual, digression. My R.B.T was funny. I was actually happy to be pulled over and because of that the police already thought I was drunk. Did I mention I also commented that "this is the first time I was blowing?" Dirty minds, people. Tsk tsk. You know what I mean, and how it came out wasn't quite good.
The Royal Adelaide Show finished its run today. Quite sad. I always enjoy it. Most of all, the candy floss. Or fairy floss. I come from a tropical humid island, and candy floss there basically shrivels to a pea as soon as it's handed to you. So, I like dry Adelaide for that reason. It gives me time to finish my candy floss normally and not have to pry it off the stick in sticky clumps.
By the way, thats me and my most favored concubine, Rita of Brit-Aussie-Malaysian heritage. So wives, you can see, she is beautiful but I have enough love for you all. Su, indian wife in Canada, wherefore art thou??? She's sorta MIA and if anyone can tell me her whereabouts, please. First Wife, I still love you. Therefore, I drive you to work. 6am!!! 6 FREAKING am. My goodness... At least I can sleep after that.
Need to sleep, and make the long haul to Central Market in the city for avocados. Yummy yummy avocados. Buy 6 for $2. Its so good
Sweet dreams are made of cheese, but that's another story.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Digressing as usual...
I should be working on another assignment. But instead, I am merrily playing useless online games.
Here are my 5 top picks.
- Penguin Bashing (Thanks Indian Stallion for the link! See ya when I get back to Singapore)
- Dancing Upon My Enemy's Grave or Dilbert does the dirty work. It takes a while, but its worth it. Any one noticed how much I like Dogbert?
- The ever classic Insaniquarium!!! Grow fish, feed fish with fish, watch them shit gold, fight aliens that eat your fish and best of all, a mermaid that sings and makes your fish crap even more gold!
- What else do people like other than sharp wit and humor? Sex! NAKED CHICKS! Wasted 45mins playing this. I managed to hump the girl in the end. My tip? Earn lots of money, drink LOADs of beer and work out. Ganguro girls in the dating sim world dig muscley, rich, brainless men.
- Not really a game site. Just really really funny. I don't know why, and I don't mean to be racially offensive, but hearing a little Japanese family calling each other 'Nigger', is dead funny. I watched it twice. Watch for the bit with the daughter, talk about motivation!!
Anyway, this being over. I wonder how many copyrights I have violated by putting this up. I have to share it. Dogbert is my hero. Plus Scott Adams deserves all the credit. Just some free advertising. Visit for all your boredom-canceling needs.
Needless to say, the last pic is currently my wallpaper. My little Catholic soul could not resist some protection from the patron saint of nice people constantly tormented by stupid people. I should put Saint Dogbert's medal on my car as well.
I think St Christopher just lost a job.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
When does it end?
Assigments, assignments, assigments, HOW I DETEST THEE!
My lime scented candle is the only thing keeping me awake. I need to do work. My eyes are bleary, my eyelashes try to cling on for support, my eye lids so heavy, it feels like the bloody albatross. The albatross on my eyelids, the grindstone upon my neck. A reference to the poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in which the character who shot an albtross is obliged to carry the bird hung around his neck.
`God save thee, ancient Mariner !
From the fiends, that plague thee thus !
--Why look'st thou so ?'
--With my cross-bowI shot the ALBATROSS.
Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung.
A bit of poetry there for ya.
Remember in Monty Python where John Cleese is wondering around the auidence in a dress and screaming ' albatross'? I like Monty Python. I need sleep and I must do without. Why?
I'm on a roll. My dead brain is somehow inspired. I'm writing, and a break is in order cos I'm hungry. My eyes jus want to close on me but I need to work.
Im repeating myself. Oh well.
Another boring post. I shall soon start with mindless dribbling.
Today I brought a desk. It is 80cm by 40cm. I put it in the uppermost right hand corner of my room. It sits against the wall.
*sigh* I will never write like that.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Isn't it amazing how, you have good intentions to do work, but somehow, in the great scheme of things, seem to get real distracted by boredom?
That is what is happening to me now. 0240 hours. I actually found my ex's blog. It's hell funny and makes me wonder what I saw in the guy. It's a strange read cos he was my first serious boyfriend. At 24, he's still as shallow as he will ever be. Constantly complaining about the lack of bikinied babes. Men, I know, will agree with him. But, sheesh, you can talk about other things on your blog. Women in bikinis are not the only things in the world that are important.
Realising I am being the sad blogger who writes too many entries in too short a time span. I can't help it. I love writing and I just want to share the pain, I meant joy... around the place. I don't even know why I bothered reading it. Oh yeah, I was bored. It entertained me slightly for a while.
But he and I have a history. It's funny to think of it now. But one day, I can bet my bottom dollar, he will come back, crawling and begging to speak to me. It may sound a bit egotistical, but I know I have the power. To help him find a bit of peace. It won't be in 5, 10, 20 years, but probably after then. He will hunt me down to speak to him.
Why am I going on about this? I don't think we ever loved each other. We were too young. And foolish. He's not a bad guy, just not the brightest crayon in the box. It's always this time of the year. In April, June, September, January. These are the hardest months of the year. And 4 months out of 12 is pretty bad odds. The other 8 months arn't the best either.
Thank God I don't have a boyfriend. The poor guy would end up as dysfunctional as me.
But if you are reading this Tim, I speak the truth. You know it. You know how to find me. And I do forgive you.
It's just that you and me have different definitions on love.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
To quote Mr. T, "I pity the fool!"
The report said it would only aggravate the attacker. But in a country where an estimated 50,000 rapes happen each year (some say the numbers are greatly underestimated due to many unreported rapes), I think any form of protection is good.
It looks a little bit like some medivael torture decive, like a mini Iron Maiden. I always liked the concept of the Iron Maiden, sticking little holes into a person. Death with the slam of a door. Bits get skewered, organs shish-kebabed. Exciting stuff.
But there is a point to this. Men who hit, rape or abuse (emotionally and physically) women deserve to die. A long slow horrible death. They should have their hearts pulled out through their asses, and then stick their pin-stick penises up the bleeding concave. Force their little friends into blow-up dolls filled with glass shards, and while they cry over their shredded little bits, I shall periodically stub out my cigerettes on their eyes. The moisture should put them out.
I don't mind prostiution. If it's done by the girl's own free will. That is fine. It's your body, you have a right to earn a living with it. We all use our bodies to earn money. You use your hands to type, don't ya? I'm sliding off topic. But the women deserve to earn lots of money, cos of the business risks.
Anyway, I cannot stand people who abuse people or animals weaker than themselves. Nothing lower than a man who hits his dog, or who beats up his 3 week old baby. Babies, til 3 months, stay where you leave them. So therefore, they cannot roll over and 'fall' off any table top. Babies with cracked ribs... *grrrrrr* And animals. We have more power than animals. Therefore, we must be the ones to protect them.
But I agree the law sucks. A man who abuses his dog, if caught, cannot legally have any animal for 10 years (might be wrong with time frame). But, caught abusing a child, nothing is stopping him from impregnanting any female and having more target practice. Why? We can stop people from having pets but we can't stop people from having children.
Anyway, I hope the anti-rape condom is widely avaiable soon. Women need what little protection they can get. I know many 'I-have-a-vagina-and-im-proud-of-it' women. But the greatest thing about now, is that women have a choice.
We tend to forget that was what feminism was after. Some women still do not have a choice. But we need to let them have a voice.
French Boyband!
I'm in heaven. French boyband. People know my soft spot for the French.
Oo la la... French Guy! *swoon*
Anyway, Tahiti 80, cheesy soul-like music. I like. Currently listening to 'Things are made to last forever'.
The guy called Xavier Boyer is real cute. I'm a sucker.
He's French, dark, CURLY hair, looks lost and dumb. I like the dumb looking ones. He does vocals but the site doesnt really have a good picture of him.
I shall sleep.
I crave the French men.
*drooooooooool , lust*
Mending fences... Burying the hatchet... To forgive divine...
And all the other literary clichés that one can think of. Yesterday was a day of settling the past. Or some of it anyway. Misunderstandings are all settled, and we can breathe easy once again.
It amazes how fast a year goes. Twelve months, three hundred and sixy five days... It swims by, and I hardly even take note. Half the year has almost gone since my 'fallout' with the guys. Chris, Wally, Daniel, Ross, Martin, and Darna (being the only female, still somehow considered a guy). I used to chill almost every night with Chris aka Poopise, Wally, Ross and Martin. Then, suddenly they were gone.
I spent a lot of the year trying to forget. Why? I tend to have 'stick-head-in-ground-til-its-over' syndrome. I realised if you ignore it long enough, it goes away. Like children wanting candy. But I have almost always gotten along better with guys.
Well, basically, I did things, they got a bit obsessed with the band, things got messy (several relationships there) and people got pissed off. Everyone tended to blame everyone else. Everyone took another's actions personally. "He did that to hurt me etc etc"
I didnt. I hid. I didn't think about it. And it's all coming back, in a wave. It crashes against me and wonder where time went. I think, one reason why we didn't hang out was also because of my ex, Adam. He never let me out of his sight with them. They were my buddies, nothing sexual there, AT ALL.
As things go, they went messy. But we spoke, the important people. The ones whom I was closest to anyway, Chris and Wally.
We cleared the air, explained, forgave, hugged and made up. Forgiveness or even just discussing an issue, can make life so much easier. I breathed a lot easier, I was 'forgiven'.
Not that there was anything to forgive. I'm glad the bad blood is gone.
And on a random side note, who are these annoying people leaving comments? I mean the ones who say "OHHH wat a great blog, I shall bookmark it but click on my link which I am promoting miricle medical cures/porn/online casinos/online degree"
Who are these people? Or machine things??? I like compliments but I would rather get it from a person who breathes, eats and farts like the rest of us.
Forgive me, I couldnt' help putting the word 'fart'.
My sense of humor is peaking at a chronological age of about 5.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Green Fairy Vs the Green Fairy... Guess who won?
Why do I even bother drinking? I'm allergic to alcohol for feck's sake. But yes, what did I indulge in? The green fairy did what the green fairy shouldnt do.
Yes, the wife is holding the poison. It's illegal back in Singapore (I think, everything interesting or slightly fun is banned) so I decided, why not? Now I know why not.
It's a mild version of the european one. Absinthe has its roots in the French part of Switzerland. The european versions can have up to 90% alcohol content. Mine was a light 68%. It was also made not in europe, but in Africa. Woo hoo. I honestly wouldnt recommand it.
But hey, it's your funeral.
I think, I should, sleep. Again. It's terrible the high it gives you. It does almost make you see stars.
But I have to explain, I'm not called the green fairy because of Absinthe. I call myself that because there is a children's book called "Fern the Green Fairy".
So yes, its not as glamourous, but it'll have to do.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Love comes in many forms...
I find myself falling in love again.
My brother sent this picture of my Patches. She's about 15 years old. She looks fantastic for an old dog.
Looking at her, I remember when she stole my heart. Her brown eyes and smile. My heart beats.
I'm so in love with her. I'm madly in love with my Patches. She's the perfect doggie.
I love her and miss her so much, I could cry.
Life is funny sometimes...
Tis funny. Was reading my old blog on friendster, I changed cos it had a photo upload limit and was so painfully slow it made my boobs hurt. It was taking a small stroll down memory lane. A lot more personal. People who want to read it, go ahead. It's still full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Just like this one.
My blogspot is screwing with me. Refusing me to let me post up pictures.

Now its behaving. I saw this in 'cheap as chips'. Jacker chips! Original JACKER chips. Am i the only one with a dirty mind? My toilet humor meter went through the roof as I stood there laughing.
My concubine, Rita, was not impressed with me. It says Jacker on the can. I refused to buy one, one wonders what lies within the can.
And suddenly, Adelaide is aburst with cherry blossoms. I'm actually not sure if they really are, but it's something pink and bush-like. It's very pretty. The asian in me came out, rushing to take pictures of me next to them.

Thanks to wifie for some great pictures. Milla is a great photographer. I am not. It's my strange useless skill. I have the ability to take the worst pictures in the world. I make people cross-eyed. Take them at the worst possible angle, make everyone look like they have a disabilty.
Adelaide can look pretty if its taken from afar. Or seen in pictures. The River Torrens is a nice place for summer. Picniking, cycling, strolling. Feeding the ducks, geese and pelicans.
*sign* Adelaide, it's a love-hate relationship.
More hate than love mostly. But, it's sorta my home now.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Who the heck am I again?
Ever had a day where you don't recognise yourself?
You wake up, floss, brush, rinse, take a shower. And when you catch yourself in the bathroom mirror, you wonder, who the fuck am I?
What the fuck am I doing here? Where the fuck am I heading in my life? Am I who I believe myself to be, when did I turn into the person I want people to see?
I always joke and talk about my addiction to cigs and I do enjoy a good beer. But, I have regressed into a social smoker. And I wonder if I ever was a 'serious' smoker. I can go without a smoke for days, then suddenly smoke 1/4 of a pack, having coffee with a friend.
Smoking used to be a big part of me. I love the feel nicotine gives you. I have always hated the smell of smoke, but I love the shapes and swirls smoke takes on. The whisps and circles. I was a chimney. I used to be one.
But smoking was a part of my identity. It was what people associated me with. And now, I don't really smoke anymore. I'm more dressed up, (for fuck's sake, i use eyeliner), wear heels and I tone, cleanse and moisturise my skin. I'm no longer the grungy, daggy, girl I used to be.
I was a cargo pants and tshirt sort of chick, sports shoes, thongs (as in slippers, flips flops, not the underwear bit). I wear thongs now! G strings, as in underwear. I confuse myself.
I have pretty pink things to sleep in, I worry about my bra and undies matching. I'm losing who I thought I was. I don't even really drink coffee anymore.
I used to live on cigs and coffee my first year in Australia. I chose coffee and cigs over food.
I'm becoming more cynical, more jaded.
I had an interesting comment on my blog the other day. I deleted it in anger, if its you, write another one. It basically had the gist of, if i recall, "Your blog is so me-myself-and-I. You are a selfish writer and a bad one too. You never comment about current issues or anything but just write about yourself. It's boring and I hate it etc etc etc" I'm not quoting. I'm just writing what I remember.
Ok, so I talk about myself. A lot. It's MY blog. MINE! MINE! MINE!
Not asking anyone to like it, let alone read it. I'm still mildly suprised when people tell me they read my blog.
Here, in the semi-anonymous world of the internet, I can sorta be myself.
I'm just showing one strange side of my personality. We make a team, my personalities and I. You want polite? Switch to 'cupping-balls-of-lecturer' mode. You want peeved? Switch to "you-mean-i-get-5-pieces-of-chicken-for-$6". Actually a true story. Never quite been so bitchy in my life.
So maybe, me, being me, means not being me all the time. It's a team effort. We all take turns on the playing field. Those better ones get left out to bat longer. Bad ones get disqualified, but throw a fit and return later after being suspensed for a while. The referee continues blowing the whistle. I have no idea how I, being a non-sports fan, used a sports analagy for me.
But as House said, "There's no 'I' in team. But if you shuffle the letters around, there's a 'ME'."