Wednesday, September 07, 2005


"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day and assume they deserve it." - Dogbert

Isn't it amazing how, you have good intentions to do work, but somehow, in the great scheme of things, seem to get real distracted by boredom?

That is what is happening to me now. 0240 hours. I actually found my ex's blog. It's hell funny and makes me wonder what I saw in the guy. It's a strange read cos he was my first serious boyfriend. At 24, he's still as shallow as he will ever be. Constantly complaining about the lack of bikinied babes. Men, I know, will agree with him. But, sheesh, you can talk about other things on your blog. Women in bikinis are not the only things in the world that are important.

Realising I am being the sad blogger who writes too many entries in too short a time span. I can't help it. I love writing and I just want to share the pain, I meant joy... around the place. I don't even know why I bothered reading it. Oh yeah, I was bored. It entertained me slightly for a while.

But he and I have a history. It's funny to think of it now. But one day, I can bet my bottom dollar, he will come back, crawling and begging to speak to me. It may sound a bit egotistical, but I know I have the power. To help him find a bit of peace. It won't be in 5, 10, 20 years, but probably after then. He will hunt me down to speak to him.

Why am I going on about this? I don't think we ever loved each other. We were too young. And foolish. He's not a bad guy, just not the brightest crayon in the box. It's always this time of the year. In April, June, September, January. These are the hardest months of the year. And 4 months out of 12 is pretty bad odds. The other 8 months arn't the best either.

Thank God I don't have a boyfriend. The poor guy would end up as dysfunctional as me.

But if you are reading this Tim, I speak the truth. You know it. You know how to find me. And I do forgive you.

It's just that you and me have different definitions on love.


Anonymous said...

distracted by boredom again?

The Green Fairy said...

boredom.... YEs, look at my reading material