Tis funny. Was reading my old blog on friendster, I changed cos it had a photo upload limit and was so painfully slow it made my boobs hurt. It was taking a small stroll down memory lane. A lot more personal. People who want to read it, go ahead. It's still full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Just like this one.
My blogspot is screwing with me. Refusing me to let me post up pictures.

Now its behaving. I saw this in 'cheap as chips'. Jacker chips! Original JACKER chips. Am i the only one with a dirty mind? My toilet humor meter went through the roof as I stood there laughing.
My concubine, Rita, was not impressed with me. It says Jacker on the can. I refused to buy one, one wonders what lies within the can.
And suddenly, Adelaide is aburst with cherry blossoms. I'm actually not sure if they really are, but it's something pink and bush-like. It's very pretty. The asian in me came out, rushing to take pictures of me next to them.

Thanks to wifie for some great pictures. Milla is a great photographer. I am not. It's my strange useless skill. I have the ability to take the worst pictures in the world. I make people cross-eyed. Take them at the worst possible angle, make everyone look like they have a disabilty.
Adelaide can look pretty if its taken from afar. Or seen in pictures. The River Torrens is a nice place for summer. Picniking, cycling, strolling. Feeding the ducks, geese and pelicans.
*sign* Adelaide, it's a love-hate relationship.
More hate than love mostly. But, it's sorta my home now.
Uptown New Orleans - report from the frontlines
NO ANARCHY UPTOWN by Daisycat, 9/1/05 16:50 ET My brother lives uptown and walked from St.
Nice Blog! Drop by for a visit and I'll tell you everything there is to know about insomnia remedy
Okie... But I sleep fine. If not too much.
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