I should be working on another assignment. But instead, I am merrily playing useless online games.
Here are my 5 top picks.
- Penguin Bashing (Thanks Indian Stallion for the link! See ya when I get back to Singapore)
- Dancing Upon My Enemy's Grave or Dilbert does the dirty work. It takes a while, but its worth it. Any one noticed how much I like Dogbert?
- The ever classic Insaniquarium!!! Grow fish, feed fish with fish, watch them shit gold, fight aliens that eat your fish and best of all, a mermaid that sings and makes your fish crap even more gold!
- What else do people like other than sharp wit and humor? Sex! NAKED CHICKS! Wasted 45mins playing this. I managed to hump the girl in the end. My tip? Earn lots of money, drink LOADs of beer and work out. Ganguro girls in the dating sim world dig muscley, rich, brainless men.
- Not really a game site. Just really really funny. I don't know why, and I don't mean to be racially offensive, but hearing a little Japanese family calling each other 'Nigger', is dead funny. I watched it twice. Watch for the bit with the daughter, talk about motivation!!
Anyway, this being over. I wonder how many copyrights I have violated by putting this up. I have to share it. Dogbert is my hero. Plus Scott Adams deserves all the credit. Just some free advertising. Visit www.dilbert.com for all your boredom-canceling needs.
Needless to say, the last pic is currently my wallpaper. My little Catholic soul could not resist some protection from the patron saint of nice people constantly tormented by stupid people. I should put Saint Dogbert's medal on my car as well.
I think St Christopher just lost a job.
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