Monday, October 31, 2005
Ramblings of Me...
Some people, especially, you never expect to have problems or at least, speak to you about them.
Like what I said about friends, ships.
There have been times when I thought some friends would be there forever. But, time changes everything. Change is constant. You can't stop it, and sometimes, its a good thing that you don't.
On other days, the past catches up.
An ex-boyfriend of mine has been calling. And calling. And calling.
My avoidance is pure cowardice. It was not really a messy breakup, more awkward. And although he still wants to be friends, I physically can't stand it.
I wonder why I got into that relationship sometimes.
I constantly spoke about the aftermath of it and 'training' him for the next girl.
But relationships are messy.
As we spoke, compromise. People are less cynical than me.
I may be a romantic at heart, but marriage is an institution I do not believe in.
Romance lasts for only so long. That's why change is good.
I'm staying in Adelaide for the summer. Job hunting is still going on.
People interest me, suprise me. And they piss me off, but the good times are there.
I know the good never cancels out the bad, but bad must happen.
We all have bitter tea in our cup of life.
Some more than others.
I know I don't make much sense, I'm a little random.
Pink is the new green...
It's almost my wife's birthday. But we decided to suprise her with an early birthday party. Slap a prawn on the barbie and crack open the coopers. No alcohol for me tonight.
On friday, we had a Halloween party. Pictures later. But, I got smashed by 1130. And, not to mention, I remember NOTHING.
Zip, zap, nada. Nothing. It's a bit freaky considering there were sleazy man-whores around. Some law students. Not saying ALL people studying law are sleazy but these were. So apparentally, I puked a fountain of pink puke on the birthday girl.
Sorry Milla. And I puked all over the neighbour's house. Sorry Jamie.
But, I made up for it. *wink*
Milla had a mini-party and no injuries this time. It's too long a story to tell. I shall try another time when daylight savings is not upon me.
Alcohol holds no interest for me at the moment.
And Myst, I'm okay. Just a bit reflective recently. Til Friday. Apparently I had A LOT of vodka cranberries, cowgirls and strawberry snapps.
Gee... I wonder why it was pink.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sometimes, when you meet someone, their eyes twinkle, you both smile and then, some instinct kicks in and you know that this person can be a friend. To what degree, you don’t know yet, but for the moment, you feel comfortable.
These people are different for everyone, yet some people manage to integrated so well into society, memorising social niceties, that no matter where, they can strike up a conversation and be liked. They seem at ease at parties, chatting, smiling and standing with such confidence.
Some people really are those, but I sense, most are not. Under all the smiles, is the lost scared little child, always tucked away. The one looking for approval, searching for love, foraging for friendships, non-material, intangible things that we, as humans, seem to crave. Crave for so desperately.
But I am not going to go on about the emotional state of people. Or some people, anyway. I do not single myself out from that category. I am human. I make mistakes, I have feelings. I have the same insecurities everyone has. Fewer or more than other, I like to think I am normal. I do worry that people can smell my feet on a warm day. I panic if I find my jeans fly unzipped. I wonder how many people have seen what colour my thong is for the day. I do change my underwear everyday, sometimes twice. Underwear smelling a bit odd is something I never worry about. No inside, outside, front and back method for me.
But recently, I happened to chance upon my friend’s neighbour. I always saw him as a ‘typical Aussie bloke’. Beer in one hand, a lighted cigarette in the other, always smiling. But so lonely. Something about him, reminded me about myself. Everyone suffers a bout of loneliness. A few people just get hit harder than the others.
We spoke. The three of us, my friend, the neighbour and I. It was interesting. However, my friend was not as ‘into’ the conversation as he and I were. Another friend dropped by, and then we were four. An even spilt of the sexes now, two women and two men.
The conversation turned medical, and I listened, elated by the jargon used. The foreign sounds and laughter that sprung from the trio left me feeling slightly excluded. I can not claim to be in ‘sciency’ in any way possible.
This party broke up around three in the morning. The friend, who popped by earlier, with a wave and a yawn, departed. The other friend, whom lived there, had work and a shower and sleep were called for. She left as well, to meet the sandman. The non-scary one.
The neighbour and I were left. And we stayed there, chatting, over several more beers and cigarettes, til seven in the morning.
I cannot remember everything that was said, but, as I said a kindred spirit. We had similar interests, the same slightly ‘sick’ sense of humour.
And he reminded me of Mark. That’s all I am saying here. Missing Mark is like missing a part of you.
But speaking to him, I realised how lonely I really feel. He was lonely as well. I could sense that, as he could sense mine. It is strange how perception we sometimes are to the feelings of others.
Feeling through others was nothing new to me. It’s a strange sort of empathy which went beyond simple understanding. It was the actual feeling. I sometimes understood how people felt because in me, I felt it too. Their emotions seem to run through me as they ran through them. I could almost feel others, like a cloying cloud of perfume, which seemed to transport me to the midst of their hearts, the very core of their being.
He and I connected on a certain level. And, I think, I made a new friend. With promises of anime sessions and smokes, we parted that morning.
I haven’t seen the sun rise for ages. And that morning, it was almost symbolic. He was the push I needed to continue doing what I was doing. I felt refreshed and almost in a sense, cleansed.
People connect. Friendships form. Nothing lasts forever, but for the time being, I want to savor every friend I have. To enjoy their company til we have to part. It might seem like a pessimistic way of looking at relationships but, I beg to differ.
We have but one life to live. People are like passing ships. Same sail into the harbour longer than others. Same depart cargo and leave. Others stay to enjoy the sights and sounds. Others love it so much; they decide to have an extended stay.
Humans are humans. That is that.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Paddle pop, YAH
Paddle pop, OOO
Super duuuper YUMMY!
Can anyone else remember that little jingle from the late 80s/early 90s?
I had a Rainbow paddle pop today.
Then came the wonderful adult conversation of what is the makeup of a Rainbow paddle pop.
We came to the conclusion that:
It's made from the shavings of rainbows, collected by happy elves in Spring. Then, carefully, happiness and sundrops from the faries are added in. Stir in some milk from the super brownie cows of super brownie wood and TA DA!
Rainbow Paddle pops.
All the happiness in the world.
I wish the world could be like that.
Look at me, Im a mushy romantic heap. So called.
I;m just annoyed now.
The world, yes, is around me, it's not quite there, but it annoys me.
While I was walking up the stair, I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today, How I wish he'd go away.
~Hughes Mearns
Self reflection
Everything you write is sacred.
But, unlike a diary, people all over the world, can read what you write.
Therefore, trying to express one's self and opinions can be a bit tricky.
Some people dislike what they read, fair enough. Please then, stop tormenting yourself and go boil your head.
I'm kidding. Taking a leaf out of Roald Dahl's book.
But I still forget people read this and people I know especially. They can read and mock my horrible horrible spelling.
I should write a disclaimer. Help, anyone?
I have no idea where to start.
For the moment, I'm going through a strange phrase in my life.
I made a decision which I believe is the best for me.
Or I think it is.
I wonder if I am swayed by too many external factors.
Like friends, money, THE BEACH.
Experiencing Australia in summer would be an interesting experience. Real interesting.
So would getting a job.
On the hunt now, prowling for some unsuspecting person willing to give me money in return for my sweat and talents.
I realised that there was no way I could put that sentence and make it NOT sound sexual.
I COULD make money that way, but then I couldn't sleep at night.
And if I don't sleep, how can I walk in all the pretty shoes I would have gotten with the money?
Summer is around the corner and I, should start working on my tan soon.
Brighton, here I come!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I can't handle the world at the moment.
I don't know what to do.
I'm just freaking out by the pure fact that I am near to me.
Sounds silly. Oh well.
Can't stand myself at the moment. Sadly, I can't get away.
Will try.
Sticking head in ground til bad things go away.
Not healthy but I shall cope whatever way I can.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Random mumblings...
I'm staying.
Til mid Jan anyway.
Gonna try and find a job.
Earn money, settle down, have 5 kids.
I'm kidding.
I'm still a bit sore about a certain someone.
I'm not sure what to think sometimes.
But I think, some people (like me) express feelings by whining and writing about it. Some scream, yell, do sports, excercise.
Some people draw.
I wish I had that talent.
But cheers to stickgirl, may you find happiness not in men, but in yourself.
If anything I have learnt over my time as a human on this earth, it that loving yourself and accepting who you are, is the most important thing.
Men (or women for the straight men here) can come later.
But be careful what you wish for, it might come true.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Ode to my Mama and Starbucks
Pose On Webcam for me.Create you into a sexual Goddess.Poems
I compose for & about you.Place on my website. Lets simply chat online and i
shall do you free poems on the spot. Even put the poems i write for you in a
poetry book.Show your friends how myself veiws you in a poetic way. 07915382492
Issac Peter. I am a teacher of Poetry. English. Philosophy. Attitude.
Motivation. Confidence. Weight Loss. Creative Writing. Learn about Jesus Christ
the Philosopher. I shall teach you to project yourself. Providing either an
evening or day out in my presence on a platonic basis! Chat with me on
stimulating subjects. I provide advice on various health matters. Emotional and
Psychological. Come to me and have yourself taught in the beautiful art of
correct communication and pronunciation of English words. Learn the only true
way of conversing with your friends and those strangers you come across in your
everyday life! Learn to put your feelings into poems to show your friends and
stimulate your own mind. Learn my technique on the motivation you require to
reach your goals. Be the correct weight which is healthy for your mind and
heart. Learn to act and behave with others as Jesus Christ the Philosopher
interacted with those of his day in a philosophical way. Learn about the
teachings of the bible. Reasonable hourly rates for teaching 1 person or more! A
Romantic or Stimulating evening or day while in my presence as a Gentleman and a
Poet! Evening rates £90. Day or weekend £150. A distance charge shall be added.
Maybe you would like a poem or more to about you for a change! You have a loved
one who would love words of your heart written to them in the form of my poetry
and expression of your heart. Maybe a work-mate of just a neighbour you are
unable to express yourself. Commission me to put your feelings into poetic poems
or just a long prose. Have your business establishment created into poetry to
encourage a educated breed of cliental! Give your loyal members complimentary
poetry to demonstrate your appreciation for their loyalty. A family baptism or
christening is forthcoming, you can commission poems for that special day. You
have a birthday or wedding or an engagement party arriving. Order poems for that
unique time. A loved one has recently departed from your heart. Commission me to
write a series of poems as your personal tribute dedicated to them! You book me
to go to the loved one of your heart and present a spoken poem to them
personally. Maybe you met someone recently on holiday and you would like to send
them some well-selected meaningful words to express your joyous time while you
spent in their company. Maybe you have a elderly relative in hospital. Book me
to go sit with them and chat stimulating words of poetry and companionship.
Whatever are your requirements that are not listed above. Present them to me. I
maybe able to accommodate you. Main Poetry Subjects Are, Abstract. Gothic.
Romance. Euphoria. Melancholy. Erotic. Philosophical. Controversial. Chose Any
Subject I Compose A Poem About It! issacthepoet yahoo screen nameWell. Pay for a poem for ya I say. Please, please, please, I no want for my birthday. But why him? Cos he writes about the 'maidens of Starbucks'.Too funny. I like the whole erotic poetry plus religious teachings in one. Is that nothing this guy can not do? And when anyone of you have a baby, I shall have one written for the christaining.Don't forget to check out the Yahoo babes section.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Eligible bachelors?
One might be, don't know about the other. Cos I don't know the other one. As a person.
I laugh. It is so funny. (laughing and squirting milk out through my nose ) are my own comments :)
"Today, I received a very interesting email from a friend, oshioyi. I was-from the blog of bunkie
questioned over my workaholic nature even on the weekends. One of my secondary (How old are you again?)
school teacher even suggest recommending a girlfriend for me, thanks to kalidas'
uninformed advertising of me in our school network. I guess Kali and I are one
of the few eligible bachelors left from our cohort(COUGH! If you want a hmmm... you can refer to the entries below for my opinion on that issue). But I need to justify my
unusual working habits.....
pt.1) I don't think I have yet met the right girl
yet. The girls I come across are simply too promiscious and casual with guys(Major disappointments? LOL All women are bad Defend thyself from the evil ways of the female).
pt 2) There is only 2 persons that could ever come close...Eliz and Miko.
But they appeared at the same time. I was with Eliz and lost Miko. Now I am no
longer with Eliz and I can't find Miko (Boo hoo hoo, made a decision, made a choice, live with it).
pt 3) Really got a lot work to do.
Got to get my findings into some journal.
pt 4) Most of my friends are
elsewhere, married or attached.
pt 5) I am not aussie(therefore aussies don't work or no one wants a non-aussie here?) and so I got work
more.....does not have the nominal extension to my scholarship(BOD or MFS? I'll explain later) unlike
So that kinda sums up everything."
I give him credit for his work. Yeah!
Eligible bachelors?
I can't comment on the other gentleman cos I don't know him. Just reinforcing this fact. Don't want to be too quick to judge people I'm completely don't know. (>.<)
The other one...
Okies, this is a bit of a bitch fest but I was a bit taken back by his sweeping statements.
"The girls I come across are simply too promiscious and casual with guys. "
What do you mean by casual? Ohhhhhh, she spoke to him. Look I can see the outline of her breasts with that shirt of hers on. And, omg, she's laughing at what that guy is saying. Slut. And why look at EVERY single woman as a potential partner? How lonely are ya?
Men and women do have the capacity to be 'just friends'.
I'm sure we have evolved to something with a reasonable amount of squishy gray matter.
And 2 persons or people who have ever come close?
Remember the poor person who supposedly broke the heart twice in 5 weeks?
Ain't my heart.
I think some people could do a better job than me laughing at this entry.
Now for the feedback sandwich. You start with something positive, then constructive feedback and something positive again! I did that.
It made me laugh, feedback, and I'm complimenting the writing style and the ability to make me laugh out loud.
By the way, blogs are public domain. (",)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Abstinence = Higher Libido
Why is this an issue suddenly?
Cos someone I was speaking to said this. You know the whole virginity thing? No sex before marriage?
But I see it like this. It's like a kid only allowed to eat chocolate on Sunday. From Monday to Saturday, he dreams of chocolate. All he smells is chocolate. All he thinks about is chocolate. Come Saturday night, hours from chocolate day, he stays awake, thinking about how he will eat his chocolate.
Sunday morning has come.
The frantic mad rush to the cupboard holding the chocolate bar. The tearing of the paper and the ripping of the foil. In goes the chocolate. Chew, chew, it flows down his throat. The melted smoothness. The brown sticky substance is good. But... is it as good as expected?
One bar. Two bars. Three bars.
It's not so good anymore. The worst thing is, all you can have, for the rest of your life, is that sort of chocolate bar.
No strawberry, white, dark, coffee creame, mint, or smoooth caramal crunch.
Plain chocolate.
Sometimes, people place too much an emphasis on penatrative sex. Foreplay is sex as well.
But judging people who do indulge, who want to test the market, is not very nice.
And waiting for just one person, what makes you think it's gonna be good.
No sex for years will not equal to great wonderful mindblowing sex for the rest of your married life.
No gurantee.
I know the bible goes on about how pre-marital sex is not good. Fair enough.
But not everyone believes in the bible.
People are allowed to believe in different Gods or not at all.
I just wish people (some people especially) could just see that.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
If this is heaven...
I could be an Amish superstar in these clothes. The long URL doesn't help the cause either.
And apparently, the 'pill' closes the womb. It's an interesting mindless site.
Check out the wedding dresses.
Seriously, send me to hell.
But then again, I might already be there.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Approval for the blonde!
Remember how I have constantly raved about J-List and the really awesome products they have?
Well, now, I have a pretty banner.
And if you click on the banner, you can go to the site.
Easy stuff? Following me?
Now this is the interesting thing, the shirts. Go to the site and look at the shirts. Then tell me you do not want one.
I insist.
Plus, if you click on MY banner and buy stuff, I get a small cut. Yes, this is Fern's attempt to make her mark in the world of the internet. My small private internet business. Buy Pocky, shirts and porn. And, oh yes, how could I forget? Hello Kitty. For fuck's sake, Hello Kitty is the bomb. BUY!
And yoai.
Especially yoai. Once I understand the site a bit more and learn more html, I shall promote myself a lot more. But seriously, prices are reasonable and the products too cute for words.
Now, enough for shameless self promotion.

Look look look! It's my black doggy, Floppy, back home. Both him and me have a problem. Our roots occasionally show. His show more than my blonde roots.
I swear sometimes that I am a natural blonde. No offense to blondes out there, I'm just dumb. Most of the time anyway.
I have the gift of saying the most inappropiate thing at the worst possible time.
The gift of gab? Too common plus who can be bothered to kiss that stone?
The gift of tongues? Nah.
The gift of beauty? Depends who's giving and cutting.
The gift of song? Karaoke queen anyone? Not me.
The gift of having one's foot permenantly cemented in one's mouth? Hell yeah. In fact when God was giving that out, I was first in line and forget to line up for the rest of the gifts the good Lord was handing out.
In fact, my mother says the same about Floppy. As in, he was first in the handsome line but forgot to go to the brains department.
I don't know how I manage to say the things I say.
For example, I broke my atm card. But I can still swipe it cos it's broken on the other side. So I told the guy at Coles, while waving the card in his face that I could "just swipe it on machines but I can't stick it into stuff." He merely gave me a 'gimme the money and please leave' look on his poor confused face.
Quick recap, remember me telling the policeman who gave me a random breath test that that was the first time 'anyone has asked me to blow'.
And then, Milla and me were looking at a campervan on the road.
It's illegal for people to sit in the back while its moving in Norway. They have to be seated in the front with seatbelts.
I pondered my wife's words.
"So that means, in Norway you can't ever be in the back?"
Go ahead, laugh.
She did.
So, yes, I shall move on.
And do my assignment.
Joy, fun. How great it is to be in university.
Reading Material: Stupid White Men By Michael Moore
Ice cream...
It was that good. Had an unfortunate name to it though. Quite sensitive in this everyday age.
It was blue, therefore Tsunami.
Im not kidding. It's a shop on Hindley. So yeah.
Mmmmmm... Ice cream.
Soooooooooo goood.
I feel like some more now.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Clinging on...
After a prolonged absence, I am back. I left my internet cables at the wife's and therefore had no access. And again, my knight, Eugene, has lent me his extra cable. There is nothing going on between the two of us. But I feel as if the world is turning upside down. And I'm clinging on for dear life as it turns. And I can't quite have a grip on life. It seems to be moving too fast for me to handle. Or tolerate, it's just too hard to live with.

And so I feel like this. Except the little guy has more courage and a more settled life than I will ever have. He knows what to do with his life. Eat, survive, eat, avoid being killed, eat, breed. Eat. Plus, it's dead cute.
If only life was so easy. It's holidays now, and I'm spending it vegging out with my PS2, tv, assignments and cigerettes. I have properly taken up smoking again. It's my drug of choice for the moment. But, it still fascinates me how fragile life really is.
I heard about a death tonight. I still havent slept. I have no idea why it bothers me so much. I don't know the guy but I can only imagine how hard it is for his family and friends. Some people are taken away much too soon. It shouldn't affect me but it has. It has made me think more about what I am doing with mine, whether if I went tomorrow, would I be willing to leave.
Death doesn't scare me, dying does. The process of it. And the aftermath. I like to believe in a heaven and I don't believe in hell. I don't believe a God whom people claim are merciful would create such a horrid place. But I believe all people are good, and try to be good. It's just that their 'version' of good is not ours.
One thing I know I want to do is to get to know my parents. I was speaking to a friend (his mom passed away recently) and I could not express my feelings. All I could say was "I'm sorry." And he told me not to worry. At least I knew my mother as a person.
Could we all say that?
I don't know my parents. Especially not my father. The lack of a father, in a sense, in my life has always been a sore point. I don't hug him, he doesn't hug me. He physically pushes me away if I try to hug him or give him a kiss on the cheek. He pats me on the shoulder at the airport when I leave. He pats my head when I get back. We speak a couple of minutes on the phone, him normally asking if I washed the car and whether I am cold. We both exist and lived in the same house, yet I know nothing of him.
I know his full name, his parents, his schools. I know how he met my mom. I know what he does for a living. I know what magazines and books he likes to read. I know what he likes to eat.
And thats about it.
It came to me, that sense of loss, over this holidays. Milla had her parents over and her dad and me basically got along. He spoke little English, I spoke little Norwegian. So the day consisted of me or him pointing at something, and saying the name of the object in english/norweigan. And each night, as I left their hotel room, to send Milla back, I kissed her parents good night.
Milla's dad filled me for a while.
But here comes the question: How can you miss something you never had?
I have faded fuzzy memories of me sitting in my father's lap, trying to pet the dog.
But that's all.
What I should do is Live. I don't know how to do it, I know I musn't regret the life I led. I know my daddy loves me, I just wish he wasn't a stranger.
"There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval."
-George Santayana