Monday, October 31, 2005

Pink is the new green...


It's almost my wife's birthday. But we decided to suprise her with an early birthday party. Slap a prawn on the barbie and crack open the coopers. No alcohol for me tonight.

On friday, we had a Halloween party. Pictures later. But, I got smashed by 1130. And, not to mention, I remember NOTHING.

Zip, zap, nada. Nothing. It's a bit freaky considering there were sleazy man-whores around. Some law students. Not saying ALL people studying law are sleazy but these were. So apparentally, I puked a fountain of pink puke on the birthday girl.

Sorry Milla. And I puked all over the neighbour's house. Sorry Jamie.

But, I made up for it. *wink*

Milla had a mini-party and no injuries this time. It's too long a story to tell. I shall try another time when daylight savings is not upon me.

Alcohol holds no interest for me at the moment.

And Myst, I'm okay. Just a bit reflective recently. Til Friday. Apparently I had A LOT of vodka cranberries, cowgirls and strawberry snapps.

Gee... I wonder why it was pink.

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