The random babbles of a dysfuntional Singaporean girl whom was lost in dry South Australia, Adelaide, a big country town. But currently, and thankfully, back in warm, humid Singapore. I'M BACK!
Anyway, watch the above. Remember to let it load up completely first for your viewing pleasure.
And yes, there are shopping carts at Ikea. The answer for the last guessing game.
Am addicted to HARD GAY! WOOOOOOO! (Search on YouTube, just type in Hard Gay)
The song is about penises and I therefore dedicate it to my wifie.
We end our tour in Sydney. Darlington Habour. Gaze upon the skyscrapers. Actual skyscapers not wheat mills/silos ^.^
The water looks so inviting. I wish I were there now. Sydney, the liviest place in Australia, more life than Adelaide anyway.
Well, pictures you want, pictures you get! Now, onto dinner!!
This is a potrait of a villain. Do not be fooled by how cute it may look. Piglet was peacefully lying on the sofa and minding his own business. Without warning, Rabbit pounced on him, and rendered several holes in Piglet.
I caught Rabbit before she did anymore damage. And then, a chase for the villain ensured. Round and round the living room thus I went. Rabbit ducked and sprinted away, hiding in nooks and corners that I didnt know even exsist in my house. Finally, after an hour, I was breathless whereas she was not. I finally drove her into a corner, and with the quick flick on a blanket, covered her and blocked her sight. Grabbing the crook, I procceded to return her to her jail cell. I mean, *cough* cage. Lovely pretty cage.
Safely away, I tended to poor Piglet's wounds. Rabbit attacked Piglet, ignoring the fact he could not defend himself, or even escape.
Thus, Your Honour, I recommand skinning and then stew. With a good dash of pepper, potatoes, carrots, onions and maybe, a turnip.
MMmmmmm... stew.
Sorry wifie, but you own an EVIL EVIL bunny.
But I adore YOU, and just you, anyway ^.^
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day and assume they deserve it." - Dogbert
FERN | ||
F | is for | Flawless |
E | is for | Enjoyable |
R | is for | Revolutionary |
N | is for | Naughty |