*cough* Yes, it is that PART of a MALE kangaroo. And it looks pretty big, so it must be a warm day! >.< Bad joke, but tourists lurve buying these little coin purses that actually are kangaroo balls or scrotum, to be more medical and less vulgar. Somehow, it reminds me of a water balloon, ready to burst...

Ah, good old Adelaide. This is in the centre of the city called Victoria Square, as you can see from the sign. Who is this? Do a close up and see!!! (i.e cos i have absolutely no clue...) Must be some important Australian/British person. Someone with loads of facial hair.

Ah! The view from my grandfather's flat in Singapore. He lives on the 12th floor (pretty common, it now will soon, go up to 50! Imagine that, living on the 50th floor! The view would be magnificent, but looking down? *glup*) He lives in Marine Parade which is right by the coast. Then again, most places are by the coast, I mean, Singapore IS an island! An a tiny one at that!

Lastly?? What't this? Leave your guesses. I'll tell ya in the next post. It's actually quite simple. I just thought it made an interesting picture. Btw, those whom were there when this was taken, SHHHHHHH!!!
Don't spoil the fun! (",)
carriages of super market?
I know I know! can I say?? PLEASE?
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