- Moving in with a fundementalist Christain. As Robin Williams said, "God just went *click*."
- Leaving a pot of porriage out in the backyard for two months. It was black, green and red by the end of it. What sort of mould is red?
- Trusting my department. Enuff said.
- Believing that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachley were really in love and truely meant to be. Yes, my friend, I do owe you money.
- Also believing that some people come back to you. Fuck the whole "love is like a bird, hold it too tight and it will die, hold it too loose and it will fly away". Fuck it. No matter what your grip, it's gone.
- Falling asleep on the beach with my book on my face. Let's just say it looks like my tan has gone really really wrong.
- Watching Land of the Dead. There is a ZOMBIE CLOWN in it. It is too scary for words. I almost pissed in my pants. Seriously.
- Getting involved with an older man. I'm not gonna go into details, let's just say, we're both pigs.
- Letting my mom get to me. All the time.
- Buying that pair of shoes. Oh they are pretty but they hurt but I look good. It was a waste of money but my feet look pretty.
- Using a nice guy as a subsitiute for the person I can never have. I have wanted to say I'm sorry and tell you, but the words never came out.
- Not bothering too much with assignments and handing them all up a day late. I really shouldn't develop that habit.
- Not have broken that cup. Ummm It's another shame I bear. MSN me.
- Maybe I should not have taken that shopping basket. It was red and new and I wanted something to just take. :( I am a bad bad person.
- Another thing was bitching about a certain male in earlier entries. Not really a mistake. He took it very hard, assuming I was writing about him. Snap judgements can be so unfair.
- Watching all 4 seasons of Scrubs in a row. My butt may never recover.
- Distributed porn to friends. Cos some people *cough* have no internet access at home therefore I was DOWNLOADER GIRL. Saviour of poor souls with tired arms. I don't really like porn in a way. And I really didnt wanna support the industry. What's done is done.
- Ate nothing but Mamee, rice and natto for week. Dogs all over came rushing to lick me for their daily salt intake.
- Got depressed when I realised Travis Fimmel may not even be human. Nor John Zimmerman IV. All good looking men are aliens.
- Got even more depressed when I realised that most of the men I go for are animated. Or are dumb. Key example: Ed. From the tvshow, Ed.
- Watching "House", the first season, in almost one sitting. I sense a pattern with me. But is it just me, or is Hugh just simply screwable?
- Not realising my blog was a public thing and people could just read it. Hell, anyone can just read it.
So yes, that's the happy list. It's the gist of the year. I have done things I am proud of, things that are good. But hey, misery loves company and I'm providing comfort to all the miserable people out there.
I think there may be more unhappy people than happy.
Smile! It's a brand new sparkling year!
Just more time to fuck it up :)
Listening to: "It's the end of the world as we know it" by R.E.M. (Watched Chicken Little in 3D! Go see!)
1 comment:
ew. natto. erm hentai? speaking of which. Gerri still owes me that DVD.
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