Monday, November 14, 2005

Work, work and work...

I have sooooo much work, it's not funny.

And I rediscovered my childhood yesterday.

It was a sunny sunday.

There was badminton, itchy grass, barefoot play and loads of sweat and laughter.

And the wind always seems to start up once a person says the word 'badminton'.


Waiting for the cyclone to hit Adelaide.

Since nothing has happened, I presume it's safe to continue.

Cant be too careful these days.

I have work.

Too much work.

But yesterday, I was transported.

And with all those positive feelings, came a few non-great ones.

I smoke now.

I drink now.

I'm not exactly a virgin.

And what happened?

I'm not too sure.

Time changes all.

But as time goes, I can see my assignment deadline coming closer.

*tick tock tick tock*


So work work work, is what I should do.

I shall push my lazy ass harder today.

I miss having someone waking up next to me.


1 comment:

Newsandseduction said...

I too played badminton once!