Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sick sick sick...

Maybe a bit physically.

Too much wine. Vino. Alcohol.

I hate being made to feel gulity.

Advice is fine, talking over issues is good.

But thats talk. I mean, no matter what, I need to make up my own mind in life. Whether it be having butter chicken or beef vindaloo for dinner.

I know my decisions hurts the people I care about. But, in recent times, or years, I have become more selfish that way.

Advice is given freely, no one is obligated to follow it. Unlike following the speed limit or stealing from huge financial institutions.

I talk to people as well, I do get a bit hurt when they don't follow my advice but I try not to give it out too much.

As my mother used to say,"I can talk all I want, but I know you are just gonna do it your way anyway."

My way may not be the best way in your mind.

But it's my choice, I dig my grave, i mean make my bed, I lie in it.

It's a chance I'm willing to take.

Cos, at the end of the day, all I can depend on, is me.

I'm the only person gonna look after me and love me.

Might make it a lonely existance, but it's a choice I make.

I live with it.

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