Sunday, August 28, 2005

Don't Speak...

"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day and assume they deserve it." - Dogbert

I find it interesting, how some people can talk so much, yet say nothing at all. Quoting a song from the album 'Tragic Kingdom' by No Doubt (1995? Correction?), 'dont speak'. But, i know the song lyrics and what is going through my mind doesnt quite connect. But the logic is somewhat the same.

Reading some blogs, talking to people, face to face or otherwise, how much actually runs in the under currents?

The undertones, what the person actually feels. What they actually think about you. Do they think you're a talkative ass with half a peanut for a brain? Do they pretend to listen but are really just staring down your top? Or even better, do they insult you, shun you but actually believe you are their soulmate? Is this some perverse form of self preservation?

I'm just wondering.

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