Monday, April 24, 2006

Civilization comes to Adelaide

It's been a bloody while.

Nothing is more fun than sitting in the cold university library attempting to do work.

The weather has been changing.

Warm, cold, warm, cold.

Anyway, I have been MIA cos I have moved.I have also changed my mobile and address. Address, duh. Email me if u want either or both.

Away from being woken up at 7am on a Sunday morning by spawn of neighbour whom dwells in the garage which suffers from lack of noise insulation.
Away from dumb landlord whom enters our house at 8am on a Saturday morning cos no one answered the door. Tenency law, anyone?
Away from smoke. I had a smoking party at the old place before we moved. Let's say, fog. Peoples' eyes were starting to sting.

Yes, but I was actually speaking about civilzation.

*drum roll*

Starbucks and Ikea has come to town.

Joy to Adelaide!

Civilzation has come.

Ikea, Sweden's possibly only useful export. Discounting Swedish Massages, Swedish women (All tall, blonde, blue eyed and boobs that resemble my pile of undone assignments, huge and overflowing.) Thank you Hollywood for making the stereotype possible. If you watch any american teen movie, the hot horny half naked exchange student, would probably be Swedish. Or Norwegien. Haha, one for you Milla. Anyway, Ikea has come, not the Swedish woman, or student or Norwegien one.

God bless the the key that Ikea provides. The axle key? Is that what it is called. I imagine Sweden as a place where the country could be taken apart by one. Instead of bombs, send in troops, arms full of axle keys. And then take the place apart. However, once the war is over, putting Sweden back together, there is no promise all the pieces would be included in the package. And if you send for the missing piece, it probably won't fit anyway.

But what would fit, would be a Starbucks. However, it is in Norlunga. I was told it was ghetto area. That was told to me by some South Australians, so it isn't a personal opinion. Norlunga seemed... warm to me when I was there.I however, have not taken the plunge or drive to Starbucks yet. And there is one opening in the city, so I'll wait for that. Then soon enough, Adelaide will be crawling with Starbucks, then I shall be happy. We all know how Starbucks is. Unless there's one every 200 yards to remind you that they still exist, they arn't happy.

I know its American commericalism. I know it's safe options. But sometimes, you just want something familiar. And, honestly, all the coffee in Adelaide tastes as if it was strained from the River Torrens. Umm, it sort of resembles the Singapore River from the 1970s-1980s. NOT pretty.

Yes yes. I have babbled. Now, onwards to useful stuff.

Maple Story. Yes, I have entered the craze.

Oh did I mention?

Join my new religion.

Meet the new Rat God.

I got a boy rat and 3 weeks later, by some miricle, he gave birth. To 11 kittens.

Trivia Fact: Baby rats are called kittens, females does and males bucks.

Immaculate conception. Miricle conception. Wondrous birth.

So, get down on your knees and beg for mercy.

A new power has arrived and is here to stay.

Praise be to Yuki. Whom is male yet carried many young who will carry on your fine name and rule the world with an iron fist.

Or paw.

Praise to Lord Yuki.

Convert now to the new rat religion.

Repent now SINNERS!

*muah hahahahhahaha*

PS: This is what happens when you do not look at the internet for 3 weeks, the mind turns soft ie c-r-a-z-y

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