Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Lunar New Year!

Hey all! Been ages since I wrote stuff, cause it's CHINESE NEW YEAR! Or Lunar new year, so as not to sound too racist.

Gong xi, gong xi!

So what exactly is so great about it?

The bak kwa, pineapple tarts, Aunty Betty's chocolate cookies and the hong baos! The bad part is the relatives. I was forced to listen to a young cousin play the piano. *groan* And another one bitching bout failing his driving test. And a whole bunch nudging me and asking if I had a boyfriend. Even when I told the truth, NO, it was "it's ok, tell auntie the truth, I promise I won't tell your mother."

Eugene and me have been chilling out a lot recently, smoking shisha, coffeeing and such. I can't believe how much I actually missed him when I was in Adelaide and he was here. In singapore. Yes, Eug, I am talking bout you.

Don't ask me about my obsession with flowers, by the way Phil, any photos you like, just use it on your website. I don't mind. :)

And, just showing off...

I had DURIANS! Loads and loads of them! *breathes hard*

If I still have your attention, please please please do me a favor. Send me a nice fat hong bao. I need it more than you will ever know. The old laptop is dying, aptly named Old Poo. Cos it's white (use your imagination) and now the name is even more accurate cos it's old and on the edge of death. The internal bits are rotting.

I need a new laptop, suggestions? Anyone? On what to get?

Lastly, Happy New Year!

PS Eugene, ibook, I know... My father ah, he no like.

1 comment:

la galerie photos de Phil said...

hop on my blog.....