Tuesday, August 16, 2005


"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day and assume they deserve it." - Dogbert

I have always thought that penguins were evil.

Something about them. The little suits they wear, they look all decent. They stand around, their heads held high, hypocritical bastards.

I never liked Chilly Willy. Always thought he hid something under that red beanie of his, probably a chainsaw, a flamethrower or a pack of cigs. Evil Chilly Willy.

Then came the life changing event, where i accidently led or umm, 'pushed' a penguin to its death. Hey, it chose death over my presense. But it evily decided to die on my 21st birthday and i think he cursed me with his dying breath. Bad penguin voodoo. They probably make little dolls of ME and sell it in their version of borders. Pretend its your boss! *poke poke*

Then, the most updated example is the movie 'Madagascar'. Yes, cute and cuddly BUT evil.

I have overused to word evil. And I have figured out something.

Not many people go to Antarctica yet because it is under penguin rule.

All hail the Emperor of all Penguins!

I kiss your delicate royal webbed feet.

Please don't kill me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so your plan is now to visit Antarcitica just so you can see if the pengus rules the place and/or you survive? :-D