Thursday, December 22, 2005

Smithers, Christmas is upon us!

Almost anyway...


Before we proceed, I would like to announce, although my legs are bruised, I was not indulging in any forms of beastility to cause the bruises. Not even, to quote the ass at Mackers on Hindley, "Got fucked by a shark?"

His language not mine. I would never consort to that sort of language. I was in Hindley in a bikini COVERED up in a towel. Milla and I went midnight swimming and wanted a hot fudge sundae. We were tempted to go to the pool hall. Geddit? Pool hall? In bikinis? *nudge nudge*

NEVER MIND! I know I lack intelligence in the humor department.

Anyway, I miss my most favored concubine at the moment.


THE PAIN!!! *groan*

I miss her too much. We have to go a-smoking again soonish. Just looking at the picture and seeing how beautiful she is, brings tears to my eyes. I shall compose a sonnet about her perfectly cut toenails. Such is the depth of my love.

Anyway, back to the topic. Xmas is upon us and tis the season to be merry and happy and drunk and grumpy.

It always brings out a whole mixed cauldron of emotions.

It's the first time Im having Xmas away from my family. I'm not sad about that and I think it's kinda sad the only thing I know I will really miss is the food and my dogs.

Erica (hellos mamajaja) is gonna be in Hokkaido. I think I spelt that wrong. Anyway, freaking cold place in Japan. And she is coming home for Chinese New Year!

Erica and me have a strange bond. We almost NEVER get sick of each others' company. Cos we know when to shut up, have a coffee and smoke. It is hard to talk with coffee and nicotine in your mouth.

I miss her and my second wife too.

Christmas is a time to think and love even more, those that we cherish and adore. I sound a bit wussy but I love my friends a lot.

Can't wait to see all those I haven't seen for ages.

I'm back in Singapore 10th Jan. Not for the reasons I wanted to. I was pissed off at first, but now, I'm trying to look on the bright side.

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