Monday, December 05, 2005

It was only a kiss...

Inspiration from the Killers.

If only more men wore eyeliner. It does make them look VERY good. *purr*

Holidays and now, I offically have nothing to do.

But, my social life if anything is a bit crazy.

I was in the backyard today, sunbathing. I have trucker's tan so I'm very attractive at the moment.

Anyway, I was reading an Anne Rice novel. And it was Lestat's take on things. And suddenly, it hit me.

I know it sounds silly, but mortal or not, we all suck majorly at mantaining MOST relationships.

Once the word 'love' or kissing happens, stuff becomes WAY too complicated. No wonder most vampires are gay, the women are too too fucked up. Look at Claudia. *shudder*

By the way, is it just me, or do sexy smothering hot male bisexual vampires just make your lower regions quiver?

I thank God the most important thing in my life right now, besides food and shoes and reading and other girly stuff, is to even out my tan.

I sound shallow, probably am right now, I have nothing else to worry about, til next March.

Oh boy.

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